I'll redo the first segment again on Monday, because I
didn't understand one segment of the process. I went
back and filled in some cells with hand built formulae,
when the tutorial intended me to use a 'sum' 'function'.
Anyway, the fact that i was able to tweak it manually is
actually very empowering. It means that it's not so rigid
that a little thought will break it.
If you're wondering about the 'What' Excell is the
Microsoft version of a Spreadsheet and the 'Where"
is the Corrine Camp Wellness and Advocacy Center.
They have a small network of up to date computers.
Their printer is a little 'blotchy' but oh well, nobody is
going to look at my work anyway.
I'm also going to start working my way thru a self help
workshop in print. A lot of writing about me and my
head, nobody will grade it or correct it. It's just for me.
We sold Vicki's bike, it's okay we can get a new one.
Danny across the hall is getting a little behind in his
payments, but Vicki is real easy going. I'll probably
have to remind him next month before he buys a
carton of smokes or whatever he does with his money.
I did quit chewing something like 4 months ago, don't
expect much, i've fallen off that bandwagon more
times than i want to think about. But feel really good.
It's time to look at my diet, include fiber and antioxidants.
I'll probably take 6,000 IU of Fish Oil as soon as I
finish this note.
Well, i've been drinking Iced Tea for a while and it's a
better hydrator than some of the other stuff i drink namely
diet soda pop. I did buy a big jug of Lime Juice to add to
ice water for a little extra umph.
Added oil and coolant to the Buick the other day, checked
them again they are good. Washed the windshield with
Windex. Need to stock the windshield washer reservoir
with Windex one of these days.
Anyway, that's it, planning a campout soon, but not sure