It's nice to have a holiday like Thanksgiving where we are reminded
to be thankful for everything.
Well, here's a strange little story. Vicki and I went to the Wellness
center for turkey lunch on the Wednesday prior to Thanksgiving.
Well, later that night i heard a rumor about a big turkey feed at the
Fairgrounds. Well, not knowing who to call i called the Santa Rosa
Police Department. Talked to a nice lady there and asked her about
the big turkey feed, she told me it was tomorrow (Thursday) from
11:30 to 6:30. Well, we drove down to the fairgrounds and circled
the place there wasn't a car or a person to be seen. We didn't know
what had happened, it was very strange and eerie like right out of
the Twilight Zone. So we went home and later that night at food
group (that's right on Thanksgiving)... A kind lady said that she read
in the paper that the big turkey feed was the day before Thanksgiving.
That's it, mystery solved.
Oh another person asked me if i want to sell the car. That's a big
ego boost. It gets me to thinking. I saw a Dodge Minivan at a lot
a week or two ago for $ 695. That was pretty shocking. I don't
know what kind of shape the mechanicals would be in with that kind
of low price. A mini van would be a nice step up from the Buick.
We'll see,
Goodnight Diary