Gosh lots been happening. I'm recovering pretty nicely
from my appendectomy.
Lots on my plate these days. I've started a coding tutorial.
Oh, uh. It's Javascript. This is a pretty well known tongue
in the computer programming world. It's quite challenging.
It tends to rely upon my memory quite heavily. That's the
memory in my head, not the memory in the computer.
I say started and I mean started. I'm only up to the 3rd
lesson and i'm kinda stumped. I'm supposed to make some
sense out of an 'Array'. Hmm.
Also, been following 'Bridgewire' Reno. It's a Maker-
space in Reno/Sparks. They were at Makers Faire in
San Mateo this year. Their first year since being
chartered. Quite an interesting bunch there! However
1.) I do not live in Reno. and 2.) I can't afford the dues.
So, anyway. Then, there are the Tool Lending Libraries.
Those are pretty neat too. When you need a tool just check
it out and return it on time. You're good to go.
Oh, i went through a box in the lobby today, some old cell
phones and a bunch of telephone junk, then there it was,
goodness gracious how could somebody bring themselves
to throw it away? A nice galvanized steel C clamp. No
rust. Pristine, like new, and all mine. Sometimes finding
second hand stuff can be so rewarding. I'm sure i'll use
it eventually, and if i don't. It is there for someone else.
All they have to do is ask. Like the other day Danny came
over and needed some adjustments on his bike, i went into
the back room and came up with a set of Allen Wrenches.
I tightened up his seat for him, and he was good to go.
The bike needs some work. I've been holding off on that.
I need a 12 Volt Lead Acid Battery. The bike needs the
shift lever for the rear gears replaced, the guy told me
$ 100 I know i can get it done at Community Bikes for
much cheaper. So I'll do that as soon as i can. Meanwhile
the 12 Volt Lead Acid Battery, more importantly, will be
needed this year. This month in fact. Once i have it I
can finish my antenna.
The antenna will be a dipole. I think 51 feet on a side
will be a magic number. That is 1/2 of 102 which I think
is a resonant number on 40 meters, which would make
it resonant for 20 meters and 10 meters as well. If I have
my facts straight.
The formula for that is f/468 where (f) is frequency in
hertz, the result is feet of length.
A dipole is an interesting thing. It is a feedline going up
and then at the apex, it's split into 1/2 with one strand
going east (north or south), the other going west
(north or south). Just like a giant letter Tee.
See, told ya i been busy ;-)
-marcus KG6GHW