Sunday, April 7, 2013

Greetings from the edge.

Greetings from the edge... Santa Rosa,
that is.

You haven't missed much.  Big turnover
in the building lately, lots of people
coming and going.

I still haven't got the 2nd bird, I still haven't
had the Bicycle repaired.  I still haven't
finished my coding tutorial.

I'm a joke, I never finish what I start, thank
goodness for Amateur Radio, I would have
no contact with the outside world without
it.  That's a whole lot of "I"s...

Vicki is still helping her mom and I miss
her a lot. I like following John H's blog
now there's a character for ya. He's out
mucking up the trails in the deepest part
of winter. Kinda look up to him, he's great.

Well, I have to run to the john, so hang in
there readers, and we'll see about getting
a little more content on these pages.
Until then, shalom.
