Okay, my tummy is slushing around like a half full
tank of gas. I picked up a terrible stomach flu. I was
incapacitated for about 15 hours. And it was BAD.
Seems like every time I went horizontal i wanted
to leak and there was no time to spare in getting
to the water closet.
I keep looking at my empty bird cage and thinking
i need to get another bird. I'm thinking that i'll get
the typical budgie, (parakeet). Or maybe a pair.
The diabetes is slowly taking hold, i have frequent
urination and blurry vision.
I took the car to the shop and i paid $ 150.00 for a
tune up. The result is that the car is worse now than
it was before it went in. I replaced parts, plugs and
rotor, and cap, and wires... No improvement at all.
I was really looking forward to some improvement.
Well, Friday was supposed to be the CW (Morse -
Code) class and i missed it cause i was sick in bed.
Now I just have to ask myself, do I really want to
commit to 2 hours a week and a drive up to Airport
Blvd. Of course I looked up the place on a map,
and there will be friendly faces there for sure. Ha ha.
The problem with warming the car up for 15 minutes
in the morning and 5 minutes an hour later is that it
burns up a lot of gas. I'm going thru 2 gallons to
warm up the car. It's kinda disgusting. I have
thought about selling the car back to the state of CA.
and starting over. I heard there's a deal, cash for
clunkers. $ 1,500 for a running car. That's not far off
from what i would like to get for it if i were to sell it.
I get so many compliments on it, you wouldn't believe.
I was thinking that i could probably ask $ 2,500 for
it. That may or may not be a pipe dream.
Since I've taken up the pipe i only seem to smoke
my tobacco every 3 or 4 days or so. I would like
a nicer pipe, a clay pipe maybe, or one with a bend
in it like Sherlock Holmes uses. My $ 10.00 special
is pretty hokey. Well time to edit and surf off to
somewhere else.