Saturday, June 11, 2011

Couple of sunny days

String together a couple of sunny days and what happens?

Last time i posted i was talking about a fair spring day, well it's less
than a month later and i think it's summer.  I don't expect much more
in the way of rain.  This rainy season is almost over.  I did notice that
there was a hurricane off the Baja peninsula.

Went to St. Vincent De Paul for a food giveaway on Wednesday,
you sign up and they let you get food once every 90 days, i got some
corn bread, some brie, a crab salad, a frozen chicken, and some cereal.

Then Friday the building food giveaway which is once a month.  I got
a roast there.  I cooked the roast today.  I cooked it in the crock pot
on low for about 8 hours unfortunately, it was dry.  I don't know what
i did wrong.  Kinda disappointing.

The Buick is doing something strange.  It seems to be using water
somehow.  I don't think it's a leak, and i don't smell steam.  It has
me worried.  Going to buy coolant on Sunday.

It is currently 5:00 on Saturday morning.

I'll have to check the calendar because, NBLUG will be happening
here pretty soon.  That would be the 2nd Tuesday of the month.
I really like NBLUG. I met a guy there called Eric Chu, and he
was very nice.  I still need RAM for my Laptop.  I need a 256
MB chip to stick in the backside of the laptop.  I also want to
find my KVM switch so that I can run at least one BSD machine.
There are some things that Gimp does that other things can't.
I can do good art with Gimp. The only problem is, i haven't the
foggiest where the KVM is located.  KVM stands for (K)eyboard
(V)ideo (M)ouse and it lets you share 2 computers while using
the same keyboard, mouse, and monitor.  This way you can have
2 computers running, but you don't have to deal with 2 keyboards,
mice or monitors.  Handy little device really.

Oh and there is Field Day again this year.  Amateur Radio Field Day,
the point is to get out to places that are off the grid and operate radios
as if, there were some kind of emergency.  It's practice.  We'll be
running off of Car Batteries for 12 Volts DC and topping the batteries
off with a generator (jenny)!  The get together this time around like
the last 2 years in a row, will be held at Lake Pillsbury which is kinda
remote, it's east of Ukiah, in the hills.  Lots of friends will be there,
Alan (N6VUD), Cody (K6MEU), Paul (KG6ABC), Ed (AG7D)!
Alan and Cody will be bringing their families with them.

I found my mummy bag and had Vicki sew up a rip in it.  I have
the tent but I still need to practice setting it up.  I think the problem
i was having was not extending the poles completely before trying
to feed them through the loops.

Anyhoo, i'll proofread this and post it.  We'll see if anything else
comes to mind.  Oh yeah, if you're reading this, you might as well
say 'hello' in the comments section at the bottom.  I need the
feedback.  Who knows, maybe I could help you set up your own
blog someday!

Goodnight Internet

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