Sunday, August 1, 2010

Vicki's home made cookies

I got two bags of cookie powder at commodities, and took one over to Vicki's place, she baked them up and boy were they good.  Basically a butter cookie with M and Ms for chocolate chips.  I had 2 bags so I gave her one to keep for herself.

 I am pretty tired after not sleeping all night, i think i'll take a nap soon.  I didn't even finish listening to Coast to Coast AM last night my ADD was acting up big time.  That's one of the reasons why I started this Blog, for some creative output.

Well, about food and my weight, i'm still hovering around 215 maybe a little less, eating a lot less compulsively these days.  Been thinking about what i'm going to eat and so on.

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with losing weight. I know how difficult it is.
